Sunday, September 21, 2014

John Proctor: Hero or Stooge?

       In my eyes I believe John Proctor is a heroic man for the life he lived. In a community where so many important decisions were made strictly based on religion, John Proctor seemed to take his own path. In a very subtle way, it almost appeared as though John rebelled against the lifestyle of the men and women that lived in his community. For example, he skipped church in a couple different scenarios, allowed his child to go unbaptized, and broke one of the ten commandments ("Thou shalt not commit adultery") which, coincidentally, is the commandment he later forgets, as Elizabeth, his wife, must remind him.
       Despite his not-so-religious lifestyle, the community of Salem still respected him and treated him with the same integrity as any other man living there at the time. Unfortunately his death was ultimately due his strong personal virtue, and his determination to tell the truth of his affair regardless of the damage on his public name. His troublesome past with Abigail, and the inability for Elizabeth and him to tell the same truth had him hung. Proctor goes to the gallows convinced he will go to heaven for proclaiming the truth, he also feels his long sin has finally been redeemed. He goes down the way a true hero should, with nothing left behind.


  1. I agree with your opinion of John Proctor being a hero and thought you made a good point that when he was going to his death he was at peace with himself. In the end John Proctor seemed to be a hero

  2. I agree that Proctor had heroic actions but was the fact that he skipped church and didn't baptize his son heroic? It seemed to me more like he did it because he didn't like Proctor- if he was really being heroic wouldn't he have stood up in a more noticeable way??

  3. I agree with your argument even though I personally thought that Proctor was a stooge. Your reasoning for it I guess was actually enough to consider a thought change. However if Proctor was so heroic for all the things he did and the lifestyle he lived do you think that he did it for himself, his wife, and his friends or what? Because you'd have to consider the fact of if others would do the same for him because if not that would make him a stooge
